Since its foundation YENI TURAN’s major priority has always been “quality”.

        Carrying the responsibility and awareness of leadership in the wall paint and boiled linseed oil sectors, Yeni Turan Boiled Linseed Oils has been serving the construction sector for over 46 years.

     Quality, customer satisfaction, on time delivery and personalization of each customer with direct dialogues have been the basic principles of our company. It also is the major goal for us to answer the needs and expectations of each customer in the most efficient way.

        Our facilities have been positioned on 16000m˛ outdoors, and 3000m˛ indoors area. Considering all the up to date innovations within the wall paint and boiled linseed oil technologies, our facilities are supplied with well equipped quality control laboratories so as to conduct production with the highest quality level possible.

       At the moment, our production capacity exceeds 20.000 tons annually. Our wall paints and boiled linseed oils match international standards and are being exported to a variety of countries all over the world.

       This web site performs as a connection bfabrika6etween you and us. Via this web site we will have the opportunity of getting a better insight about each other. Moreover, you will have the chance to view our product scale straightaway and send your notions and proposals to us.


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