boiled linseed oils
It is vegetable oil with high viscosity which has preservative and adhesive properties when it dries.
Our boiled linseed oils are produced with some Vegetable oil mixtures according to product produced. This mixtures pass though some boiling stages before it gets ready for you. This secret mixture percentages and boiling stages makes our boiled linseed oil, special and unique.
Yeni Turan Synthetic Boiled Linseed Oils
Yeni Turan Double Boiled Linseed Oils
Yeni Turan Boiled Linseed Oils
Yildiz Double Boiled Linseed oils
Yildiz Boiled Linseed Oils
Place to use:
While producing wall paste
As primer under oil based paints
While producing window paste
As wood preservative
As adhesive for moulding sand
For the ink producing sector