Sİlİkot Sİlİkonlu Dış Cephe BoyasıSIlIkot SIlICon BASED EXTERIOR PAINT



Yeni Turan silikot is silicon based, high qualitiy mat paint for exterior surfaces. It is vapour permeable with high alkali resistance.



Before aplication 2-3 coats of silikot primer must be applied on the prepared surfaces, to get the best adhension. After 24 hours, apply first coat with brush or roller eithout thinning. second coat must apply after 12 hours. Thin first coat 30% with water.


Drying time (25 C˚):

Touch drying time is 1 hour.

Through drying time is 24 hours.



Aproximately, 5-7m² with 1 lt (Two coat).



At least one year.

Prevent from freezing.

Use the product over +5 C˚.



2.200 LT 15.000 LT